Katolsk tro. Faglitteratur, Engelsk. (Kan afhentes i dag)
Kan afhentes i Rønne i dag (Onsdag d.27 November) mellem kl.7:30- 19:00. Betales med kontanter. (IKKE med mobilepay) Kun seriøse henvendelser. Skriv gerne en sms til: 42 52 43 11, hvis du er interesseret i at købe, så aftaler vi tidspunktet. ---- Bog. Titel: Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Popular Revised Edition) Udgivet af: Vatican (Vatikanet) Sprog: Engelsk Sidetal: 800 Paperback Faglitteratur, Religion. Stand: Bogen fejler intet. Beskrivelse: "A revised edition with amendments following the publication of the Editio Typica, containing extended subject index and the Reader's Guide to Themes.The first edition of the new Catechism went out across the world in many language versions. This gave the local Churches the chance to study it in depth. Through their bishops and teachers....."
Mia Winther